Mythic Legions - Yoshanai Kari - Rising Sons

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The Sons of the Red Star are comprised of the most skilled assassins in the Realm – but not every job calls for stealth and cunning. This is when Yōshanai Kari is summoned. This unyielding warrior is said to be a Yōkainari, or the ghost of a demon. Yōkainari do not sleep, eat, or have any other tangible needs. As such, it is a mystery how Skapular convinced the demon swordmaster to join his faction of mercenaries. Whatever he promised the Yōkainari to gain his allegiance, it was a worthwhile expense, for Skapular delights in using his nightmarish henchman to send a clear message to those who think to stand against the Sons of the Red Star.

All Photos by Trevor Williams

Rising Sons Mythic Legions Canada