Mortal Kombat - NightWolf - Storm Collectibles

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NIGHTWOLF is one of few Earthrealm mortals with a strong connection to the spirit world. A powerful Native American shaman, he is guided by the empyrean forces and communes with divine beings such as Haokah, known to the East as Raiden. Nightwolf's devotion allows the Spirits to work through him, granting him unnatural long life and ethereal weapons to kombat the darkness that threatens mortalkind. In the coming crisis, however, it is not Nightwolf's arsenal that will alter fate. His faith in the Spirits will inspire those who have lost hope. 


  • 3 x Interchangeable Head Sculpt 
  • 1 x Axe
  • 1 x Spirit Arrow 
  • 1 x Lighting 
  • 5 x Pair of Hands 


Estimated Release Date: Q3 2023