Batman: The Animated Series - The Joker - Mondo

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Batman: The Animated Series Joker 1:6 Scale Action Figure


Arguably one of the most Iconic villains of all time, from one of the best animated shows of all time, the Joker is joining the MondoBatman: The Animated Series 1:6th scale figure line!

This figure features over 30 points of articulation, 4x different portraits, and a slew of iconic accessories. The deco is done in an animated-style, creating the illusion that the figure jump right off the screen. This Joker figure captures the spirit and look of the ever-influential Batman: The Animated Series, and is going to be a great part of any fan's collection.

The Batman: The Animated Series Joker 1:6 Scale Action Figure includes:
Joker Figure
Regular Portrait
Smug Portrait
Laughing Portrait
Sad Portrait
2x Smiling Fish
12x interchangeable hands
Joker Bomb
Joker Dynamite stack
Joker Card
Ice Pick
Figure Stand